FOWLER HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1957 CLASS HISTORY On September 4, 1945, 51 bright and excited youngsters started their schooling career in Fowler Park School. Mrs. Elizabeth Bersagel was our first teacher. The following students started together: Harold Adams, Alvin Baker, Richard Baker, Ruben Castinada, Jimmie Conley, Pete Flores Jr., Bobbie Guinn, Johnnie Hancock, Jimmy Hoover, Chrissy Larsen, Jimmie Markham, Charles Martin, Richard Matney, Daniel Pfieff, Richard Pickeral, David Reeves, Jack Stauder, Jimmie Stewart, Edwin Stubbs, James Tyler, Paul Weiland, Sammy Wood, Albert Virgil, Franklin Dorne, George Trujillo, Val Maestas, Bobbie Arguella, Larry Romeriz, Earl Black, Donald Watson, Laverne Baker, Peggy Barr, Linda Barnard, Lois Barris, Lorraine Castro, Joyce Eddy, Glenda Sue Hill, Sharleen Jensen, Lois Kindell, Maxine McCuistion, Haroldine Ritthaler, Laura Sullivan, Mary Jane Waddle, Jo Ann Weiland, Virginia Garcia, Linda Cordova, Maxine McKechan, Gloria Hernandez, Delores Hernandez, Alice Mae Bouldin, and Laurel Click. On September 16, 1946, we began our second year of school with Mrs. L. L. Lancaster as our teacher. The following names are the pupils who joined us then: Victor Aragon, Lloyd Adair, Harold Bassett, Richard Cusack, Donald Dennis, Raymond King, Camillo Romero, Raymond Stokes, John Schmidt, Wayne Stamps, Carol Hogue, Iva Jean Larrew, Shirley Mann, Imogene Morris and Donna Mae Larrew. Our third grade began in September of 1947, with Mrs. L. L. Lancaster once again greeting us at the door with her smile of welcome. The new students who joined us at this point included: Lena Mae Watkins, Agnes Garcia, Connie Dameron, Gary Dexter, Delbert Hanning, Billy Reeves and John Woods. On September 7, 1948, we started the 4th grade with Mrs. Grace Coltrin as our teacher. It was with her help that we gave our first public performance, presenting an operetta. New members in the class were: Sidney Stamps, Richard Lee, Darla Sue Crouch, Mona Rae Lawrence and Lilly Valdez. Mrs. Serena Chappell greeted us in September of 1949 to begin our 5th grade year. New students in our class that year were: Raymond Kincade, Arcenia Martinez, Johnnie Martinez, Louis Plunkett, Jimmie Ramsey, James Shaffer, Roy Stegeman, Woodrow Knight, Alvin Boling, Ernest Mares, Donna Kay Speek, Marcella Martinez, Merrita Turley, Betty Stegeman, Jean Akins and Helen Cross. On September 5, 1950, we began our years in Junior High, in 6th grade, with the changing of classes and more than one teacher. Our teachers included: Mrs. Serena Chappell, Mrs. Margaret Guthals, Mr. L. L. Lancaster and Mr. Charles Neal. There were no new students this year. Our 7th grade started on September 4, 1951, with quite a few new students added to the list. They were: Jerry Baker, Darrell Fedde, Leonard Harmon, Norman Heifner, Beverly Bowen, Melverta Fellhauer, Sonya Henrie, Mary Manchego, Marla Kaye Odom, Josie Olguin and Marjorie Walker. Our host of teachers included: Mr. Jack Meakins, Mr. L. L. Lancaster, Mr. Bob Morgan, Mrs. Margaret Guthals and Mrs. Serena Chappell. Our last year in Junior High began in September of 1952 and was spent in the basement of the High School due to crowded conditions. Our Teachers were as follows: Mr. Bob Morgan, Mr. L. L. Lancaster, Mrs. Jack Meakins, Mrs. Howard Zollner, Mr. Howard Zollner and Mr. Richard Talley. The new students in our class were Bobby Pfeiff, Gordon Smith, Jacqueline Boss, Lillian Flores, Barbara Summey, Barbara Gilstrap, Betty Tade, Beverly Corbin, Alice Dameron and Yolanda Edens. On our 8th grade trip we went to Pueblo to the Roller Skating Rink where a good time was had by all. On May 27, 1953 we received our 8th grade diplomas, which ended our grade school and junior high days, and entitled us to start our High School years. In September of 1953, 34 green and excited boys and girls entered the hall of Fowler High School as Freshmen. Our Class Officers were: President, Jim Hoover; Vice President, Leonard Harmon; Secretary-Treasurer, Donald Dennis. Student Council Representatives were Jo Ann Weiland and Darrell Fedde. Our sponsor for the year was Mr. Warren Gates. Those who were new to our class were: Marjorie Bonds, Gloria Martinez, Bill Aragon, Bill Hatfield, Gerald Lanier, Larry James, Carl Lewis and Jimmy Shay. Our Homecoming Float, "Snow 'em Under Grizzlies" won 3rd prize. We journeyed to Pueblo to see a show entitled "Brigadoon". Also, the Spanish Club had a supper at Jo Ann Weiland's home, with a hayride following. To raise funds for our class we had a box supper. In September of 1954 we became upper-lower classmen, as we gained the rank of Sophomores. Our Class Officers were: President, Darrell Fedde; Vice President, Sonya Henrie; Secretary-Treasurer, Maxine McCuistion. Student Council Representatives were Melverta Fellhauer and Jim Hoover. Mrs. Althea King was our sponsor. We won 1st with our Homecoming Float, "Tune up to Victory", with Yolanda Edens reigning as Homecoming Queen. Maxine McCustion was elected cheerleader. The Sophomore Class gave a one-act play entitled "Boner's Schoolroom" under the direction of Mr. Richard Talley. Those joining our class were: Bill Tatman, John Ashurst, Donald Minor and Marion Pennington. In September of 1955 we became Juniors and were lower-upper classmen. Our Class Officers were: President, Sonya Henrie; Vice President, Gary Dexter; Secretary, Jo Ann Weiland; Treasurer, Betty Hart. Student Council Officers were: Vice President, Jim Hoover; Secretary-Treasurer, Maxine McCuistion. Representatives were: Mary Jane Waddle, Jerry Baker and Darrell Fedde. Mr. Richard Talley was our sponsor. Betty Hart and Bob Vaughn were the only new members to join our class during our Junior year. On our Homecoming Float we goofed just a little bit and consequently came out with only 4th place. Maxine McCuistion and Mary Jane Waddle were elected cheerleaders. Jim Hoover was crowned "Twirp King" and Jo Ann Weiland was crowned "Miss Merry Christmas". Linda Barnard was a Majorette in the band this year. The following were initiated into National Honor Society: Sonya Henrie, Jo Ann Weiland, Maxine McCuistion, Linda Barnard and Leonard Harmon. Paul Weiland was High Point Boy for Field Day. We gave our Junior Class Play "Hats off to Grandma" under the direction of Mr. Richard Talley. It as proclaimed a huge success. Melverta Fellhauer was chosen as a candidate to Girl's State and Donald Dennis was chosen as a delegate to Boy's State. On May 4, 1956, we gave the annual Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom in honor of the 1956 class of Seniors. The theme was "Deep Coral Mist". In September of 1956 we finally reached the top. We, at last, had the distinguished title of SENIORS of 1957. Our Class Officers were: President, Sonya Henrie; Vice President, Bob Vaughn; Secretary, Leonard Harmon; Treasurer, Mary Jane Waddle. Representatives to Student Council were: Donna Kay Speek, Paul Weiland and Darrell Fedde. Student Council Officers were: President, Jim Hoover; Secretary-Treasurer, Mary Jan Waddle. Our sponsor for this year was Mr. Edwin Battiste. We didn't gain any new members in our Senior year. Our Homecoming Float received 3rd price. "Victory is our Goal" was the theme. Maxine McCuistion, Mary Jane Waddle and Melverta Fellhauer were elected cheerleaders this year. Bob Vaughn was elected to serve as Captain of the Football Team. Darrell Fedde was crowned "King of Twirp" and Linda Barnard was crowned "Miss Merry Christmas". Melverta Fellhauer was crowned "Letterman's Sweetheart" and also was a Queen Candidate to the Arkansas Valley League Tournament at La Junta. Mary Jane Waddle was chosen as D.A.R. Good Citizen and was also the Drum Majorette during her Senior Year. Linda Barnard was again a Majorette. Maxine McCuistion, Donna Kay Speek and Mary Jane Waddle composed a Girls Trio, called the "Doodletts" and sang with the dance band. Our Senior Play "Our Girls", was given under the direction of Mr. Richard Talley. It was a riot of laughs and a great success. During our Senior Year the following two boys were initiated into National Honor Society: Gary Dexter and Donald Dennis. On April 28, 1957, we held our annual Senior Dinner at the Fowlerado Cafe, with the profit going to finance the Senior Trip. Our Senior pictures were taken by Marquise Studio, of Enid, Oklahoma. May 3, 1957 was the date of the Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom. The Seniors of 1957 were the honored guests. Donna Mae Larrew and Donald Dennis were crowned Queen and King at this event. This brings us up to Senior Week, which included Baccalaureate, Kid Day, the Senior Trip and Commencement. note: In May of 1957, 25 kids graduated with this Class of 1957. 105 others cycled in and out at some point over the 12 years of schooling.
2nd Gradelass History
3rd grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
8th Grade
Junior Pictures
Junior Pictures
Senior Pictures
Senior Pictures
Senior Pictures
Senior Pictures
Senior Pictures