Fowler High School Graduates and News
(things found on internet and in the newspaper)
Folks who would never live anywhere but Fowler declare it's like
living in an old Andy Hardy movie. Is there any place in Colorado
with more smiles per capita... (old Denver Post article) |

By Andrea Flores for the Fowler Tribune
Posted Oct. 4, 2013
Fowler, Colorado —
Ten ladies who worked as telephone operators back
in the 1940s met at the Bunkhouse for a Telephone
Operators Reunions of sorts.
Back in the 1940s when you dialed a phone number
you would hear one of their voices say, “Number
please.” They would connect your call manually
through a switchboard.
“Oh, the stories we could tell,” they joked while
reminiscing. But they didn’t dare for fear of losing
their jobs.
“We knew some stuff that could get a lot of
people in hot water back then,” said Burna Dean
Stamps worked for the telephone company from
November of 1947 until her retirement in 1992.
The telephone company was a big source of
employment for many women from the community of
Fowler, with pay ranging from 60 cents to 75 cents
per hour.
Some worked the night shift from 10 p.m. to 6
a.m. while others worked part-time or after school.
Dorothy Baker worked as an operator in 1943,
during her sophomore year in high school for 60
cents per hour.
“I worked after school until 10 p.m.,” Baker
“We would call Herb Green every morning to wake
him up so he wouldn’t be late for work, that’s how
he and Anna Jean met,” said Baker. Anna Jean worked
there for five years.
They giggled and laughed remembering times when
they would accidentally fall asleep and wake up to a
switchboard that was lit up with incoming calls.
“When people were going to be away from home they
would ask us to transfer their calls to so and so’s
house,” Baker said.
They fondly remembered Barney Kitchen. He would
come in the office to use the phone to call long
distance but he always brought them chocolates and
left them a tip.
“I remember when Gene Autry and Harry Knight
bought the Flying A Ranch, the telephone line was on
a fence post,” Baker said.
But in September of 1963 things changed for the
operators, modern technology stepped in and Fowler
went to dial service, which meant a lot of changes.
People had their own telephone numbers, which
meant downsizing with operators.
The women were faced with changes, either stay
with the company and commute or transfer or take a
severance package.
Several chose to take the severance package and
stay home to start their families, while a few,
Louise Fosdick, Jane Gray, Burna Dean Stamps and
Norma Jean Blodgett chose to commute to Pueblo and
continue to work for the company then known as
Mountain Bell.
I asked how many of them had cellphones. Several
raised their hands but most admitted to not using
them on a regular basis, only for emergencies.
“The last time we were all together was for the
funeral of our co-worker Kathryn Cross. We decided
to gather for lunch just because and not just for
funerals,” Stamps said.
Those in attendance and their years of service to
the telephone company were: Burna Dean Stamps, 45
years; Louise Fosdick, 43 years; Jane Gray, 25
years; Jean Petrie, 15 years; Freda Jones, 12 years;
Norma Jean Blodgett, eight years; Marybeth
McCuistion seven years and Dorothy Baker, Anna Jean
Green and Polly Jensen each with five years.
Those were the days. Ladies, thanks for sharing
your memories and keeping your secrets!
From The Fowler Tribune |

October 2010, Jim and Melverta (Fellhauer) Bauer,
Don and Ann Dennis, Loveland, CO

Left, clockwise: Claudia Poage, Ann Dennis, John Denning,
Dale Poage and Don Dennis. May 2010

J. Gilley Photo
Jane (Deeds) (61)
and Gary Stubbs (60),
Karen (Deeds) (64) and James Gilley (62)

Mirror given to 1957 Graduates, FHS.

(a dennis photos)
10-08 Veree
Pickerel (60), Don
Dennis (57),
Pickerel (58),
identifying old
school pictures.

And did the pictures
bring up fun

Sandy Tillotson
Koehler (58) and Don
Dennis (57)
October 2008, Denver

back:Louise Fosdick,
Judy Nichols, Ann
and Don Dennis
front: Jerry
Nichols and Richard
October 2009,
Pickerels House |

10-08 Ann and Don (57) Dennis,
Betty (52)
and Gerald (47)Jensen
Front: Gracie Eddy ...

Richard and Veree Pickerel 2009

Jack Stauder
(57), Don Dennis (57),
Kathy Stauder (60) Stahmann Feb. 2007

Jack in Corsica, 2009

Claudia Poage, Don Dennis (57), Dale Poage (58),
Algodones, MX November 2009

Richard Pickerel, Dale Poage, Don Dennis, Paul
Weiland, Mini Reunion
at Don's house, standing on the bridge Richard built!
March 2010

Paul Weiland's ('57) prize winning garden
in Henderson, KY, 2009
Paul and Teena Weiland, 2006

Fowler Tribune
Thu Jun 04, 2009, 05:33 PM MDT
Fowler, Colo. -
Nels “Chris” and Joyce Larsen will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in June. A small family celebration is planned.
Chris and Joyce, high school sweethearts, graduated from Fowler High School and were married in the First Methodist Church in Fowler on June 6, 1959.
The couple have three children; Scott (Wendy) and family in Swink; Shawn (James) and family in Las Animas; and Sam (Roxanne) and family in Murphy, Texas. They also have nine grandchildren who have kept them busy since moving back to Colorado in 2003.
The Larsens enjoy being with their grandchildren, attending sports events, 4-H and school functions. Two granddaughters graduated with honors from high school in May, almost fifty years to the date Joyce graduated.
creativecommons With Permission from the Fowler Tribune

By Elaine White December 17, 2009 The Fowler Tribune
During the Monday meeting of the Fowler Progress Club, members presented a representative from Arkansas Valley Women's Resource Center, Cindy Arnett, (center) with items collected during their November drive. Pictured left to right, Louise Steger, Nora Clifton, Ruby Moreland, Barbaralu Smith, Arnett, Elsie Filmore, Loriene Dunbar, and Charlene Downey.
With Permission: Original content available for non-commercial use
under a Creative Commons license.
Lloyd Adair
back: Doug Baker, Gary Earl, Frank Hancock,
Don Dennis, Lewis Hutchinson,
Gary Graham.
middle: Richard Pickerel, Gary Dexter, Lloyd Adair.
front: Leland Larrew
A recent letter from Lloyd
Adair, (who attended Fowler Schools with the class of 1957 until
after 7th grade when he
moved to Kansas), gave us a rundown of his interesting life.
Lloyd when to 8th grade at
Horace, KS and high school in Tribune, KS, graduating in May 1957.
1957 May - Lloyd left Horace,
KS for Fowler, CO, to stay with his uncle, Bud Sharp. He worked for
a river jetty company before taking a job with Wonder Bread.
His uncle owned Bud's Drive-In, where some of the girls from the
class of 1957 were working at the time he returned to Fowler.
1958 May - Lloyd moved to Oakley, KS and worked on a farm for the
son of his mother's friend. He met his wife-to-be, Helen, at
breakfast the first morning there.
1959 January - They were married.
1959 September - They moved to Pueblo, CO where Lloyd went back to
work for Wonder Bread. Reggie Phillips, (his father owned the
Fowler Bakery until he sold it to Wonder Bread, moved to Pueblo and
worked in the bakery), was a salesman for Wonder Bread.
He asked Lloyd if he would unload sacks of flour at the bakery
during a strike. When the strike was over they asked five
workers to stay and they did. James McAndrews from Fowler
worked for Wonder Bread until he passed away in 1960.
1961 August - Lloyd was drafted into the army, so quickly enlisted
for three years in Milwaukee, WI. His wife Helen was pregnant, but
everyone had to serve their military stint. He took Basic Training
at Ft. Carson, CO.
1962 March - Their daughter was born.
The army sent him to engineering school in Virginia, then he spent
the rest of his three years in Milwaukee, WI.
1964 August - He was discharged a Specialist 5th. They moved to Denver where
he went back to work for Wonder Bread, but they didn't want to raise
their daughter in Denver.
1964 October - They moved to Oakley, KS where he was supposed to
work for the City of Oakley. When that job fell through he worked in
In May 1965 Lloyd went to work for the Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas
Co, and worked for them for 29.5 years, moving wherever the job took
1966 December - a son was born.
1967 March - moved to Dighton, KS, first manager job.
1969 July - moved to Shelton NE, second son born April 1971.
1971 September - moved to Arvada, CO.
1976 January - moved to Broken Bow, NE. Ran into Lee and Betty (Higby)
Heflebower - their sons became good friends.
1981 September - moved to Rawlins, WY.
1983 October - moved to Holyoke, CO.
1991 October - moved to Sutton, NE.
1993 December - Lloyd retired from the natural gas company and they
moved to Kearney, NE.
2000 March and May - Lloyd had stents
put in and in
2004 February he had a triple heart by-pass.
2008 August - moved to Grand Island, NE where they presently reside.
Lloyd and Helen have 7 grandkids (ages 5-24) and 2 great-grandkids
(1 and 2 years old).
(published with permission)
click for
Fowler School Pictures -
Lloyd Adair has sent some wonderful pictures of Fowler School

From the Fowler Tribune 1989

ROCKY FORD - Marion and
Lois Pennington will celebrate their 50th wedding
anniversary from 1 to 4 p.m. June 11 with an open house at
the La Junta Senior Center. They were married June 21, 1956,
in Fowler.
Their children are
Philip Pennington, Sherry Shearer, Gregory Pennington and
Loretta Millemon. They have 10 grandchildren and three
The Penningtons lived
in Buena Vista and Salida for many years before retiring and
returning to the Rocky Ford area.

Courtesy of the
Veree Pickerel, FHS
Sandra 1958 |
Sandra Tillotson Koehler
The Pueblo Chieftain
FOWLER - 2000 -
The Fowler Historical Museum featured the impressive iron
collection of Chuck and Sandra Koehler, who now live in Westminster.
Mrs. Koehler was born in Rocky Ford but raised in Fowler.
The Koehlers brought several different types of irons -
electrical, early liquid fuel and "sad" irons. Sads are named for
their density. They are one-piece irons, the ones everybody's
grandmother had, Mrs. Koehler said. Sad irons can be large or small.
She said a sad iron smaller than 4 inches typically was a child's
The Koehlers have collected irons for about 25 years, including
one from 1866, about the time President Abraham Lincoln was in
office. They have hundreds of them.
Uses for some of her old irons included sleeves, pants, and one
that curled the brims of Brown Derby hats. Her oldest irons date
back to 1830, 1845, and 1873.
The Koehlers also have irons from other countries such as Canada
and China. Most, though, are from the United States.
"That's by choice," Mrs. Koehler said. "We just prefer the U.S.
The irons will be on display at the Fowler Museum until March.
The museum is located at 114 N. Main.

Sandy 2008 |
Jim Markham
Jim Markham Location and Stock Photography San Antonio, TX
Jim Markham

Graduate University of Syracuse Photojournalism
Chief Photographers Mate U.S. Navy Retired.
Combat Photographer - Vietnam, three tours of
Photojournalist Navy Office of Information
Washington DC.
Freelance Location and Stock Photographer.
Member American Society of Media Photographers
Located midway between Dallas, Texas and the
U.S. Mexico Border, we are well positioned to cover the South and
Southwestern United States and Mexico. Our fifth-wheel Travel
Trailer allows us to reach isolated locations quickly and
conveniently. Availability for assignment is not limited to that
area, I am available for assignment anywhere in the world.
Assignments have included: Political,
Disaster, Environmental, Advertising, Corporate, Industrial,
destination places and editorial illustration Photography.
Clients include: Newsweek, Time, U.S. News and World Report, Woman's
World, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Scott Foreman Publishing.
We maintain a Stock file.
(Webmaster: Jim kindly furnished
the pictures of the Fowler High School Reunions for this site.)
On the road to Pueblo
A Christmas blessing fell off the truck
Loveland |

Melverta 1957
The year was 1948 and Christmas was drawing near. It was a difficult
time for my family and had been so for two months. My mother had
become ill in October and had to be hospitalized. She was pregnant
with her fourth child and due to her illness my baby brother was
born prematurely and survived only a few hours.
Because of complications and pneumonia, for some time her life had
been in jeopardy. The weeks of hospitalization stretched into a
month and Thanksgiving came and went and our mom was still in the
hospital, although she was slowly improving.
Pueblo was 30 miles from Fowler and on Sundays, Dad would take my
brother Dean, who was 6 years old and myself, who was 9, with him to
visit Mom. My youngest brother Grant was just 1 year old and he
would stay with our grandparents.
However, we never saw our mother. In those years, children were
never allowed to visit patients, not even a parent. We always waited
in the hospital lobby for Dad to come and tell us how Mom was doing.
One Sunday while on our way to visit Mom, our Dad explained to my
brother and me that we would not have a Christmas tree. There simply
was no money for one. We would be fortunate if we could just have
our mother home with us on Christmas.
We were traveling west on U.S. 50 and had rounded the curve, just
past where Lee's Cafe was, when we met a truck piled high with
Christmas trees. My brother saw a tree fly off the truck, and we all
saw it lying in the middle of the highway. The driver of the truck
didn't slow down at all, apparently unaware of his loss.
My dad stopped and picked up the tree, placed it in the back of our
pickup and we continued on to Pueblo so he could visit our Mom.
When we got home that evening, after chores, we decorated that
little tree. We were so happy to have a tree! It was a gift.
On Christmas Eve, we got the best Christmas gift of our young lives:
Our mother came home. We were truly blessed.
My parents, Harvey and Edith Fellhauer, passed from this earth in
1984 and 1982 respectively, and I am certain they remembered this
Christmas always.
The Pueblo Chieftain & Star Journal
Tuesday December 25, 2001
Pete Earley (FHS 69)
(Fowler ..Christian Church
Pastor's Family)

In Fowler???!!! From the Tribune....

L_onie Buchner, 1958 |
Have you ever thought
about what to do with all your scrap gold? Do you have
single earrings laying around because you lost the other
one, or broken chains that you never wear anymore? Do not
throw them away. Take your broken, unloved, or just plain
unwanted gold to Gold Pros in the Sarasota Square Mall.
Owned by Nancy and L_onie Buchner, it is a family run
company with all the correct licensing and they pay top
dollar for your gold!
Gold Pros Sarasota
Square is located at the Sarasota Square Mall, 8201 S.
Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34238. The phone number there if
you have any questions is 941-400-1250. They are open Monday
through Saturday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, and Sundays from
12:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Visit
www.goldpros.com for
other locations and store hours.

Jake and Sheila
Fowler 1958
and 1960

Norton Realty & Auctions
Main St.
Fowler, CO 81039

Click card for their website.
Favorite Fowler Radio Station
in Oklahoma City
Click to read its History.
Marvin announces retirement

FHS 50
Fowler Tribune
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 05:21 PM MST
Fowler, Colo. -
Doyle Marvin,
President of Fowler State Bank has announced his plans
to retire as an officer of the bank after nearly 42
years of service to the institution. Marvin, a Fowler
native, began his career at the bank on June 7, 1967 as
the Assistant Cashier. He quickly advanced to the
position of Vice-President and Cashier. Following the
death of Joseph M. Fox in 1992, he assumed the position
as President which he has held until the present.
According to board chairman and CEO, Jonathan Fox, even
though Marvin is retiring as an active officer, he will
continue his service to the bank by remaining on the
Board of Directors and will be making periodic field
visits to clients as well as conducting livestock
"Doyle will be greatly missed by all of us at the bank
on a daily basis, as well as by the customers alike. We
are very pleased that he is remaining on the Board of
Directors so we will still get to visit with him often.
We thank him so much for these many years of dedicated
service," comments Fox.
An open-house barbeque luncheon in honor of the Marvin's
will be held Jan. 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the
bank. This will be open to the public giving his many
clients, friends and fellow staff members a chance to
wish him well on his retirement plans. A grandfather
clock will be presented to him at his house as a gift of
thanks for many years of fine service to Fowler State
Bank. Marvin and his wife of 52 years, Evelyn, hope to
take the opportunity to travel.
Marvin says of his time at the bank, "It's been a
complete family operation including my immediate family
and the bank family." He laughingly adds, "My wife and
two sons probably had to endure my frustrations at times
when I brought my work home with me." Marvin added,"I
thank my many customers and friends for a very enjoyable
association over these past many years."
The annual meeting of the bank was held recently with
the same slate of board members being re-elected for
2009. They are as follows: Jonathan R. Fox, Chairman;
Lynette Belkin, Vice-Chairman, Doyle Marvin and Scott D.
Jensen. The officers of the bank for the ensuing year
will be: Jonathan R. Fox, President & CEO; Scott D.
Jensen, Executive Vice-President and Mary M. Harris,
Vice-President & Cashier. Employees are: Loretta
Sharon, Administrative Assistant; Carol Reeves, Head
Teller; Nancy Jensen, Head Bookkeeper; Tellers, Betty
Smith, Suzanne Worden; Bookkeeper, Lequita Baylor;
Part-time staff, Cathy Olsen, Miriam Barton, Keith
Lance, Jeanne Bates, Jenna Ballard and Wilma Gager with
Olivama and Jess Lopez, Custodians.
Fowler State Bank is beginning its 110th year of
business. Marvin indicated he has seen a vast number of
changes to banking over his nearly 42 years in the
industry, particularly in technological advancements. He
noted how proud he is of the fact that at Fowler State
Bank, it has always been a goal to have everyone be a
name and not a number. "Personal service and attention
has been Fowler State Bank's pride and will continue to
be," he states.
With Permission
under a
Creative Commons
Quinten Swope, Principal, excuses to have Don Dennis and Paul Weiland...
Don and Leonard Harmon excused from class.

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