Arthur Fremont Wright
Born February 19, 1887 in Americus, KS.
Died January 11, 1949 in Attica, KS.
Florence Ione, Born October 13, 1917 in Attica, KS
Willard Burns, Born October 6, 1919 in Wellington, KS
Barbara Jean, Born November 23, 1921 in Attica, KS.
Mary Ann (Mamie)Ferguson
Wright was a Jill of all trades and the Mistress of none unless
you would say a milliner. "I was no more than 6 years old
when I knew that a milliner was what I was going to be, and in
1911 my wish was granted with the help of my Aunt Ella Stewart.
I put in a milliner shop in the back room of Grandma Stewart's
store and did very well both that spring and fall, but Ella died
and I had to give up my shop and help Grandma. We sold the
store in the fall of 1912, I went to Anadarko, OK as a trimmer,
then to Wellington, KS and was a clerk in the Jacob Ingle store.
On Easter Sunday in 1915 I met Arthur Wright who had just come
from Chicago. He came into the store to see an old friend
who was also working there. He walked by my counter and I
had heard he was coming, so I looked him over as I had a chance
for a blind date with him that evening. I was glad I
hadn't accepted it, but later when I met him.... it was HIM and
no one else. We were married October 28,
1916 in Wichita, KS and went to Attica, KS to live.
We had been married 32 years when he passed away quite suddenly
of a heart attack. Barbara gave up her job in Colorado
Springs and came home to live with me. In 1952 we went to
Blackwell, OK to live. Barbara married and I
lived with my sister Ella for several years until she passed
away." (by Mary Ann Wright)
Mary Ann over the years
used artistic talents in many crafts, sewing and painting even
though she had crippled hands, the effects of arthritis from the
age of 32. During WWII she worked in the
Williamson Furniture Store and Funeral Home. She
also clerked and managed a Variety Store. She is now
living in Westcliffe, CO in one of Florence and Jim Turner's
houses, still on her own and very independent at the age of 89!!
(editors note: Mary Ann passed away December 16, 1985 a
month shy of 94 yrs old).

Scotty, Dotty and Kids

Arthur Wright

1914 Arthur Wright and Mayme Ferguson

1915 Arthur and Mayme

Barbara, Florence, Arthur, Mayme
and Burns (Scotty) Wright

Arthur and Mayme (Mary Ann Ferguson) Wright, 1948

1975 Mayme, Florence, Scotty,
Barb and her husband Eldon

1979 Mayme and Irene, her sister

Arthur Wright's daughter Barbara.

1936 Arthur Wright's Mother's Obit.
Elizabeth Jane Curtis Wright

Wright Murrow,
Nadine, Wayne

Arthur's father's obituary |

Arthur Fremont Wright was a
bookkeeper and grain buyer at the Attica Flour Mill, owned by
Harry Hunter, for many years. The Mill burned down
and was never rebuilt. He was a musician but seldom
displayed his talents. This probably was because his
father's family were Quakers and his mother's father a preacher.
Quakers do not approve of public display!
Arthur was a mathematician and was far ahead of his time in
electronics. He built a radio when they were first
invented, so the family had the second one in town (the Hunter
Mill office had the first). For a
few years he had his own radio and small appliance repair shop
and also worked for Shorts Appliance in Harper, part time.
He was very artistic, doing wood working, and was also a
mechanic. He was Assistant Post Master at the time of his
Mary Ann (Mamie):
On Easter Sunday in 1915 I
met Arthur Wright who had just come from Chicago. He came
into the store to see an old friend who was also working there.
He walked by my counter and I had heard he was coming, so I
looked him over as I had a chance for a blind date with him that
evening. I was glad I hadn't accepted it, but later
when I met him.... it was HIM and no one else.
We were married October 28, 1916 in Wichita, KS and went to
Attica, KS to live. We had been married 32
years when he passed away quite suddenly of a heart attack.

Barbara, Florence, Mary
and Scotty (Burns)

Click to Enlarge
Wright Homestead
Americus, KS

Charles Wright

Libbie Wright

Wrights, Manitou, CO

Wright Farm
Americus, KS
